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Internal Medicine Journals


1.    American Journal of Cardiology
2.    American Journal of Gastroenterology
3.    American Journal of Hematology
4.    American Journal of Kidney Diseases
5.    American Journal of Medicine
6.    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
7.    Archives of Internal Medicine
8.    Annals of Neurology
9.    Annals of Internal Medicine
10.  British Medical Journal
11.  Circulation
12.  Clinical Diabetes
13.  Critical Care Medicine
14.  Diabetes
15.  Diabetes Care
16.  European Heart Journal
17.  European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
18.  European Journal of Internal Medicine
19.  European Journal of Neurology
20.  Gastroenterology
21.  Hypertension
22.  JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association
23.  Journal of Clinical Oncology
24.  Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
25.  Journal of Neurology
26.  Journal of the American College of Cardiology
27.  Journal of American Family Physicians
28.   Kidney International
29.   Lancet Infectious Diseases
30.   Lancet Neurology
31.   Lancet Oncology
32.   Rheumatology
33.   The New England Journal of Medicine